Ways To Use Pine Gel

4 Ways To Use Pine Gel Around The House

Pine gel, or pine oil disinfectant, is a multi-purpose cleaner used to disinfect multiple surfaces. It’s made from a mixture of pine oil and surfactants, essential oils, and detergents that bond with bacteria, preventing it from attaching itself to any surface. Pine oil disinfectant is an antibacterial cleaner that kills germs in your home. If you’re looking for natural alternatives to chemical cleaners, pine gel is the way to go!

What is Pine Gel Used for?

When it comes to a pine gel all-purpose cleaner, versatility is the name of the game. This product can be used for many cleaning purposes, from kitchen counters to bedroom cupboards.

 Like many other cleaners, pine gel is designed to remove stains and odors from any number of household surfaces. It also works well as a disinfectant, making it ideal for use in bathrooms and kitchens where germs are likely to present. While pine gel does not contain bleach or other harsh chemicals that can strip away the finish on your furniture or walls, it does have an antibacterial agent that helps prevent mold growth as well as kills off bacteria that might otherwise live on surfaces such as door handles or kitchen counters (which is why it’s important not to ingest any of this solution).

1. Pine Gel Can Be Used In The Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most commonly used areas in your home, which means it’s the dirtiest! But don’t worry! There’s a simple solution to keep your kitchen clean and fresh. All you need is Pine Gel!

Pine gel is a great cleaning option for kitchens! It can clean just about any surface in the kitchen, including tiling, backsplashes, and sinks. EzeeFRESH Pine Gel provides a clean, fresh, and shiny clean that leaves the kitchen wonderingly pine-fresh!

2. Pine Gel Can Be Used In Bathrooms

In a bathroom, the surfaces of walls, floors, and basins need regular cleaning to ensure the room always looks and smells great. Try using pine gel alongside your standard cleaning products to give your bathroom an extra clean. It can be used to thoroughly clean showers, baths, toilets, and basins and provide a disinfectant that’s especially useful in areas where germs may breed, such as drains and toilets.

3. Pine Gel Can Be Used On Flooring

For every type of flooring in the home, including tiles, laminate, concrete, and wood, Pine gel is a great product. Always check with your installer whether or not the flooring type can withstand pine gel. Still, thanks to its multi-purpose cleaning properties, pine gel is often an excellent option for hard-wearing surfaces like floors and walls.

4. Pine Gel Can Be Used In Laundry

We’ve all been there: you’re trying to get the stain off your favorite shirt, but you can’t get it out. Don’t worry; we’ve got a solution! Pine gel is one of nature’s best stain removers, and it can help you get that stubborn stain off your clothes in no time. All you need to do is mix some pine gel with water and apply it to your clothing.

Just rub the mixture into the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before washing it as usual. If you’re ever struggling to get rid of tough stains on your clothing, use a mixture of pine gel and water to get rid of them quickly and easily


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